How Dental Sealants Can Help Protect your Teeth and Keep Them Healthy

How Dental Sealants Can Help Protect your Teeth and Keep Them Healthy

Aug 01, 2022

What Are Dental Sealants?

They are types of direct fillings that protect teeth from dental cavities and tooth decay. Ideally, dental sealants protect teeth before infections happen. It is why, unlike traditional dental fillings, dentists in Fort Saskatchewan use tooth sealants in preventive dentistry.

Dental sealants feature two primary materials that are;

  1. Composite fillings – featuring a tooth-colored composite resin, renowned for cosmetic procedures for dental bonding.
  2. Glass ionomers – featuring a transparent, glass-like, plastic material called acrylic.

How do Dental Sealants Work?

Dental sealant treatments work by creating an extra protective layer over the grooves and crevices of teeth. Ideally, the dentist in Fort Saskatchewan will examine your teeth to ensure you do not have any signs of early cavity development. After that, (s)he will paint the sealant material over your tooth. The sealant then hardens to become a barrier that disallows plaque and acids from damaging your teeth.

However, dental sealants can only protect the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. The reason is that the sealant material fills the pits and fissures of molars and premolars to reduce the probability of dental cavities forming.

Who Can Get Dental Sealants?

Typically, dental sealants in Fort Saskatchewan, AB, are popular for pediatric dentistry. They help children lower their risk of dental caries, particularly during the cavity-prone ages of 6 to 14. However, adults too can benefit from dental sealants. A dentist can recommend tooth sealants if:

  1. You have deep fissures on your molars.
  2. You have some darkening on your back teeth that may point to the early development of dental cavities.
  3. You have hypersensitive teeth, usually too hot and cold foods and drinks.
  4. You are at a high risk of developing dental cavities due to lifestyle choices and underlying conditions like smoking, diabetes, and periodontal disease.

Why Are Dental Sealants Important for Your Teeth?

Dental sealants at Town Crest Dental Clinic have transformed many people’s oral health by significantly lowering the risk of dental cavities for back teeth. Some of the ways that oral sealants benefit your teeth are:

  1. Strengthening teeth – some types of dental sealants contain fluoride. These sealants release fluoride on teeth throughout the period you have them. Since fluoride is a natural element that can sustain strong and healthy teeth, it becomes the outcome of your oral health when you get these dental sealants.
  2. Preventing premature tooth loss – unfortunately, many patients lose their natural teeth due to dental decay. Dental sealants can increase the life of your natural back teeth for many years.
  3. Supporting good oral hygiene – patients with deep fissures and depressions on their molars and premolars struggle to clean their teeth. It is evident, especially for wisdom teeth, which grow at the furthest corners of the mouth. Dental sealants level up the fissures to help clean your teeth better.
  4. They can save you money – it is more economical to protect your teeth with dental sealants than to restore them with other dental restorations in dentistry.

Are Dental Sealants Enough for Excellent Oral Health?

Dental sealants can only do so much for your oral health. For one, they cover only the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. Therefore, to excel in dental health, you must employ other oral practices that support it. Some tips to make the most out of your preventive treatment with dental sealants are:

  1. Brush your teeth twice daily – is a fundamental dental practice. It will help prevent plaque and tartar buildup on teeth surfaces that may result in dental cavities and other oral infections.
  2. Floss daily – helps tend to the hard-to-reach parts of your mouth, typically in between teeth and tooth roots near the gum line.
  3. Eat healthily – sugary, acidic, tough-to-chew, and hard foods will do a disservice to your oral health. Instead, opt for fruits and vegetables that supper both your oral and general body health.
  4. Drink a lot of water – water also supports good oral health by rinsing out toxins and debris from your mouth. Besides, water complements saliva to reduce acidity in the mouth, which may promote the development of dental cavities.